New “Assign To” Workflow

Posted in News

The “Assign to” settings are used to assign learning activities in a Canvas course to all students, specific students or sections, and control things like availability and due dates. For instructors, TAs, designers and other roles that can create learning activities, Canvas has added “Assign To” functionality in areas of a course where it was previously not available (Modules, Pages, and ungraded Discussions).

Update: Canvas heard your feedback on this change. They have reverted to the previous “Assign To” design while also preserving the “Assign To” quick links at the top of activities, and the functionality rolled out to Modules, Pages, and ungraded Discussions.

What’s changed?

  1. Learning activities now have an “Assign To” shortcut button at the top
  2. Module items now have an “Assign To” shortcut
  3. Modules now have “Assign To” settings
  4. Pages now have “Assign To” settings
  5. Ungraded Discussions now have “Assign To” settings
  6. NetIDs now appear when assigning specific students to learning activities

Learning activities now have an “Assign To” shortcut button at the top

In an effort to provide instructors a quick way to access, view, and change assign to settings the “Assign To” button has been surfaced and now appears at the top of all learning activities (Assignment, Discussion, Page and Quiz). No longer do instructors need to edit the learning activity in order to view and adjust the assign to settings.

assign to button now appears at the top of learning activity

Clicking the “Assign To” shortcut button will open the “Assign To” tray that slides from the right side of the screen. The “Assign To” tray includes all the same functionality as the “Assign To” cards that are shown on the edit page of the activity.
assign to tray that slides from the right
Note: Click the “Apply” button to save your settings.

Module items have an “Assign to” shortcut

By default, module items created in Modules are still assigned to everyone in the course. However, instructors no longer need to open and edit each module item to change the “Assign to” settings. To change a module item’s “Assign To” settings simply click the item’s “Three Dot Menu” icon [1] and then click the “Assign To” link [2].

Module item assign to
Note: Clicking the “Assign To” link will open the “Assign To” tray from the right side of the screen.

Modules have “Assign to” settings

By default, modules are still assigned to everyone in the course, but it is now possible to assign modules to specific students and sections. To assign a module click the “Three Dot Menu” icon [1] on the module title, and then click the “Assign To” link [2].

Assign a Module

On the “Assign To” tab, instructors can set the module visibility to Everyone [1] or assign it to specific students [2]. In the Assign To field [3], instructors can select students or sections using the drop-down menu, typing student names, NetIDs, or section names. Lastly, click the Save button [4].

Edit module settings tray showing the assign to tab with visibility options to select specific people or sections

A “View Assign To” icon is present on the module title, so instructors know which modules are differentiated when quickly scanning the modules page.

View Assign to icon on module title
Note: The “View Assign To” link does not display if the module is assigned to everyone.

Pages have “Assign to” settings

By default, Canvas Pages are still assigned to everyone in the course but can now be differentiated. When editing or creating a page, use the “Assign Access” cards to assign Canvas Pages to specific student(s) and section(s), as well as set availability dates.

Note: The “Assign Access” cards in Canvas Pages does not provide the option for a due date. Pages still use the “add to student-to-do” option that can act like a due date.

Ungraded Discussions have “Assign to” settings

By default, Canvas Discussions are still assigned to everyone in the course but can now be differentiated. When editing or creating an ungraded Discussion, use the “Assign Access” cards to assign the ungraded Discussion to specific student(s) and section(s), as well as set availability dates.


  • The “Assign Access” cards in ungraded Discussions does not provide the option for a due date. Ungraded Discussions still use the “add to student-to-do” option that can act like a due date.
  • Group discussions still use the “Group Discussion” option found on the edit discussion page, which will open a separate drop-down menu where the group can be selected. The “Assign Access” card settings in a Discussion will not include the option to select groups.
  • Graded Discussions will use the full functionality of the “Assign to” settings including a due date.

NetIDs now appear when assigning specific students to learning activities

Student NetIDs will display below their names in the “Assign To” tray when assigning specific people to learning activities. This change is designed to eliminate the guess work when students share the same name.

Assign to student names with NetID shown
Note: Don’t forget to click the “Save” button to save your “Assign To” settings.

New “Assign to” Workflow FAQs

Why can’t I add due dates on Pages and ungraded Discussions?

Pages and ungraded Discussions still use the “add to student-to-do” option that acts like a due date. For these learning activities the “Manage Assign to” link only provides the options to assign specific students and/or sections along with the available from/until dates.

What happens when I assign a Modules to specific students (or section) but the items within the module have different “Assign to” settings?

Module items with specific assign to settings will be respected when a module has been assigned. For example, if course section 1 has been assigned module A, but module item X within module A is not assigned to course section 1, then course section 1 cannot view module item X within module A. Put another way, course section 1 can view module A and any module items other than module item X.

Why did Canvas make this change?

Canvas strives to unlock new workflows that attempt to solve existing course design problems while delighting you with new possibilities. The most common scenarios they referenced that influenced The “Assign To” change:  

  • Assign alternate curriculum versions based on learning needs while maintaining privacy
  • Provide more granular control over access and availability to course content
  • Increase learner choice by providing elective content
  • Achieve desired learning outcomes by providing extra support and practice
  • Allow more advanced learners to move ahead or take on more advanced content
  • Allowing a learner to skip content once competency has been achieved
  • Easily slot learners that join a course mid-year into the right place in the course
  • Allocate updated content to the correct learners in rolling enrollment courses 

Additional Canvas Resources:

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Learn about past Canvas changes and updates at Georgetown.