Guides for External Apps in Canvas
External Apps, also known as LTI tools or third-party tools and apps, can be integrated into Canvas to enhance the experience for students and instructors.
Please note that the Georgetown Service Center and Canvas Support cannot support all External Apps within Canvas. While we are dedicated to providing an effective online space for teaching and learning, the available apps in Canvas are too numerous for us to adequately support.
- How do I enable External Apps in Canvas?
- What External Apps are available in Canvas?
- What Georgetown created Apps are available in Canvas?
How do I enable External Apps in Canvas?
Some External Apps are pre-installed and visible by default in your course, while others are hidden. Hidden apps will need to be enabled manually by the instructor. Apps can be enabled and used in different areas of a course. Some apps are only enabled and accessed using the Course Menu, Assignments, Modules, or Rich Content Editor (RCE). Where as, some apps can be enabled and used in all these areas in your course.
What External Apps are available in Canvas?
We’ve organized the available External Apps into categories, included brief descriptions about each one and listed where they can be enabled in your course. Click the name of the External App to access user guides and get support. Faculty and staff at Georgetown can request a new app at any time, but the review process can take several weeks.
What Georgetown created Apps are available in Canvas?
- Accessibility Resources
- GU Library
- Health Resources
- Library Guide
- Library Guides
- Photo Roster
- University Policies
- Zoom Conferencing
Support for the following apps are provided by the GU Service Center. Canvas Support may not be able to resolve issues related with these apps.
Accessibility Resources
Enabled in Canvas: Course Menu, Assignments, Modules
Accessibility Resources is pre-installed on the course menu and visible to both students and instructors in the course. It redirects instructors and students to the Georgetown accessibility website.
Health Resources
Enabled in Canvas: Course Menu, Assignments, Modules
Heath Resources is pre-installed on the course menu and visible to both students and instructors in the course. It dynamically redirects instructors and students to the appropriate Georgetown health resource websites based on school and course role.
Photo Roster
Enabled in Canvas: Course Menu
The Photo Roster is pre-installed on the course menu and visible only to instructors in the course. It shows the name, GoCard photo and Georgetown email address of students who are enrolled in the course. The Photo Roster cannot be made visible to students.
University Policies
Enabled in Canvas: Course Menu, Assignments, Modules
University Policies is pre-installed on the course menu and visible to both students and instructors in the course. It redirects instructors and students to the Georgetown policies website.
GU Library
Enabled in Canvas: Course Menu, Assignments, Modules
Dynamically redirects users to the appropriate Georgetown library websites based on school:
- Law Center directs to Law Library
- GUMC directs to Dahlgren Memorial Library
- Qatar campus directs to GU-Q Library
- Main campus and all other schools direct to Lauinger Library
Library Guide
Enabled in Canvas: Course Menu, Assignments, Modules
Instructors can link to content from LibGuides, E-Reserves, LibCal, and LibAnswers directly into course Modules, Assignments, or on your course menu.
Library Guides
Enabled in Canvas: Assignments, Modules, RCE
Instructors can link to content from LibGuides, E-Reserves, LibCal, and LibAnswers directly into course Pages. Note: The DML Library Guides is recommended for use only as a module item.
Zoom Conferencing
Enabled in Canvas: Course Menu
Faculty can use the Zoom Conferencing tool in their Canvas courses to schedule course meetings with students and hold online office hours. Students use the Zoom Conferencing tool to join meetings created by faculty. Each Zoom meeting at Georgetown can hold 300 people (including the host).
Request an App or Tool
Do you have an app or tool that has an integration to Canvas? We can make that happen!
Since apps in Canvas can send data to third-party or vendor systems, such as student-identifying information and student grade data, it is critical to ensure that data sharing is done securely and in accordance with University policies to preserve ownership of the data, safeguard confidentiality and integrity, and protect students’ rights. Also, any tool or app that is widely used at the university needs to have documented compliance with our accessibility policies.
The UIS Edtech team will configure new External Apps in Canvas only after a review of the tool, including a data security and privacy review have been made. Canvas Sub-account admins, instructors, designers, and TAs do not have permissions to configure new External Apps in courses.
Please plan accordingly and make your request as far in advance as possible. Working with vendors to complete required agreements can take weeks and even months.
Note: Prior to any contracts being signed by any GU department or entity, UIS must be given access to the requested app or tool in order to complete a thorough review and analysis.
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